Ritsu Sohma

Ritsu Sohma (草摩 利津, Sōma Ritsu) is a fictional character from the manga and anime series Fruits Basket created by Natsuki Takaya. Ritsu is a member of the Sohma family, a clan cursed to transform into animals of the Chinese zodiac when they are hugged by someone of the opposite sex or when they are under stress. Ritsu is the Monkey of the zodiac and is known for being timid, anxious, and prone to apologizing excessively. Despite his anxiety, Ritsu is a kind-hearted individual who cares deeply for his family and friends.

Throughout the series, Ritsu struggles with his anxiety and self-doubt, which often leads him to avoid social situations and isolate himself from others. However, with the help of his friends and the love and support of the Sohma family, Ritsu begins to come out of his shell and embrace his true self. Despite his struggles, Ritsu is a beloved member of the Sohma family and an integral part of the Fruits Basket story.


  1. History
  2. Personality
  3. Appearance
  4. Relationships
  5. Role in the Story
  6. Trivia

1. History

Ritsu Sohma is a member of the Sohma family, who are cursed to turn into animals of the Chinese zodiac when they are hugged by someone of the opposite sex or when they are under a great deal of stress. Ritsu is the monkey of the zodiac and is known for being highly anxious and apologetic. He is also one of the more minor characters in the series, but still has a significant role to play.

Ritsu’s history is not extensively explored in the anime, but it is revealed that he has struggled with anxiety and self-doubt for most of his life. He is constantly apologizing for things that are not his fault and has a tendency to blame himself for everything that goes wrong. As a result, he has a very low self-esteem and is often seen wearing a mask to hide his face. Ritsu’s mother is also briefly mentioned in the series, and it is suggested that she was emotionally abusive towards him, which may have contributed to his anxiety and self-doubt.

Despite his struggles, Ritsu is a kind and gentle person who genuinely cares about others. He is often seen helping out around the Sohma estate and is very loyal to his family. However, he is also very socially awkward and has a hard time making friends. It is only through his interactions with the other members of the zodiac that he begins to come out of his shell and gain more confidence in himself.

2. Personality

Ritsu Sohma is a highly anxious and neurotic individual who suffers from low self-esteem and self-worth. He is extremely sensitive and tends to overreact to even the slightest criticism or perceived negative comment. Ritsu is also known to apologize constantly, even for things that are not his fault or responsibility. This behavior stems from his deep-seated fear of disappointing others and being a burden to those around him.

Despite his anxiety, Ritsu is a kind and caring person who genuinely wants to help others. He is empathetic and intuitive, often picking up on the emotions of those around him. Ritsu’s desire to please others often leads him to go out of his way to help, even if it means putting himself in uncomfortable situations. However, his anxiety can sometimes get in the way of his ability to help, as he may become too overwhelmed to take action.

Overall, Ritsu’s anxiety and low self-esteem make him a complex and relatable character. His struggles with self-worth and fear of disappointing others are issues that many people can relate to, and his kind heart and desire to help make him a lovable character.

3. Appearance

Ritsu Sohma is a slender and delicate-looking young man with long, straight black hair that he often keeps tied in a ponytail. He has large, round eyes that are often downcast, giving him a timid and nervous appearance. Ritsu is often seen wearing a traditional Japanese outfit, consisting of a white kimono with a black hakama and a pair of geta sandals. He is also frequently seen carrying a large woven basket, which he uses to store various items he collects.

Despite his delicate appearance, Ritsu is actually quite strong and agile, as demonstrated by his ability to climb trees and jump from high places with ease. He also has a tendency to fidget and wring his hands when he is nervous or anxious, which is a common trait among the members of the Sohma family. Overall, Ritsu’s appearance is both unique and memorable, making him a popular character among fans of the Fruits Basket anime.

4. Relationships

Ritsu Sohma has a strained relationship with his mother, who constantly belittles him and makes him feel inadequate. This has resulted in Ritsu developing a severe case of anxiety, causing him to apologize excessively and avoid confrontation at all costs. He also has a complicated relationship with his cousin, Yuki Sohma, who he admires but also feels inferior to. Despite this, Yuki is one of the few people who can understand and sympathize with Ritsu’s struggles.

Ritsu’s relationship with Tohru Honda, the main character of Fruits Basket, is initially rocky due to his anxiety causing him to accidentally injure her. However, Tohru is patient and understanding with him, eventually helping him to overcome some of his fears. Ritsu also forms a close bond with Shigure Sohma, who he sees as a father figure and confidant. Shigure helps Ritsu to confront his mother and start to heal from their toxic relationship.

Overall, Ritsu’s relationships with others are complicated by his anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. However, with the help of supportive friends and family, he is able to start to overcome these challenges and form meaningful connections.

5. Role in the Story

Ritsu Sohma is a minor character in the Fruits Basket anime, but his presence is significant in the story. He is first introduced in the series as a shy and nervous person who constantly apologizes for everything. His character adds a comedic element to the show as he is often seen wearing women’s clothing and is mistaken for a woman by other characters.

Despite his comedic role, Ritsu’s character also serves as a representation of anxiety and self-doubt. His struggles with his own self-worth and the pressure he feels from his family to conform to their expectations are relatable to many viewers. Through his interactions with other characters, Ritsu learns to accept himself for who he is and gains the confidence to stand up for himself.

Overall, Ritsu’s character may not have a significant impact on the plot, but his presence adds depth to the themes of self-acceptance and overcoming anxiety in the series.

6. Trivia

  • Ritsu’s name means “lawyer” in Japanese, which is ironic as he is extremely indecisive and often unable to make decisions for himself.
  • Ritsu’s character design is based on a traditional Japanese doll called a “kokeshi,” which is known for its simple, cylindrical shape and lack of arms or legs.
  • Ritsu is one of the few Sohma family members who does not transform into an animal when hugged by someone of the opposite sex. Instead, he suffers from extreme anxiety and often faints or runs away.nKuroo Hazama, aka Black Jack, in the 1990s anime adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s manga.
  • In the manga, Ritsu eventually becomes close friends with another Sohma family member, Hiro, who is also prone to anxiety and self-doubt. The two bond over their shared struggles and provide support for each other throughout the series.
  • Ritsu’s character development in the anime is often praised for its sensitive portrayal of mental health issues, particularly anxiety and gender dysphoria. Many fans appreciate the way his story arc shows that it’s okay to be vulnerable and seek help when struggling with mental health.