Kimi Toudou

Kimi Toudou (東堂 君, Tōdō Kimi) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya. She is a student at Kaibara Municipal High School and a member of the student council. Kimi is known for her outgoing and confident personality, as well as her love for fashion and beauty. She is voiced by Ai Kakuma in the Japanese version and Elizabeth Maxwell in the English dub.

Kimi is first introduced in the anime during the student council election arc, where she runs against Yuki Sohma for the position of vice president. Despite losing the election, Kimi becomes a close friend of Yuki and his friends, and often appears in the series as a supporting character. Her character is known for her humorous and flamboyant personality, as well as her sharp wit and ability to read people’s emotions. Kimi’s fashion sense is also a defining aspect of her character, often seen wearing stylish and trendy outfits.


  1. History
  2. Personality
  3. Appearance
  4. Relationships
  5. Role in the Story
  6. Trivia

1. History

Kimi Toudou is a supporting character in the Fruits Basket anime series. She is a third-year student at Kaibara High School and a member of the student council. Kimi is introduced in the series as a friend of the main character Tohru Honda. She is known for her outgoing personality, fashion sense, and her tendency to speak her mind.

Kimi’s past is not explored in depth in the series, but it is hinted that she had a difficult childhood. She mentions that her parents were not supportive of her interests and that she often felt like an outcast. Despite this, she developed a strong sense of self and a desire to express herself through her fashion choices.

In high school, Kimi becomes friends with Tohru and other members of the student council. She is shown to be a supportive friend and often offers advice to those around her. Kimi is also known for her love of gossip and is often the first to know about any rumors or scandals at school.

Overall, Kimi’s history is not a major focus in the series, but her personality and relationships with other characters make her a memorable and beloved character among fans of Fruits Basket.

2. Personality

Kimi Toudou is a confident and outgoing individual who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is known for her bold and flamboyant personality, often making grand gestures and dramatic statements. Kimi is also very self-assured and takes pride in her appearance, often commenting on her own beauty and fashion sense. Despite her sometimes over-the-top behavior, Kimi is a loyal friend and cares deeply for those close to her.

However, beneath her confident exterior, Kimi also has insecurities and vulnerabilities. She struggles with feelings of loneliness and fears being rejected by others. This is shown when she becomes jealous of Tohru Honda’s close relationship with her friends and tries to insert herself into their group. Kimi also has a tendency to be manipulative and can be insensitive to others’ feelings, particularly when it comes to matters of love and relationships.

Overall, Kimi is a complex character who embodies both confidence and vulnerability. Her bold personality and loyalty to her friends make her a memorable character in Fruits Basket.

3. Appearance

Kimi Toudou is a beautiful girl with a slender figure and long black hair that she usually wears in a high ponytail. Her eyes are a striking shade of violet and are often accentuated with makeup. Kimi is known for her impeccable fashion sense and is always dressed in the latest trends. She has a penchant for wearing bold and bright colors, and her outfits often feature frills, lace, and other feminine details.

Despite her stylish appearance, Kimi is not afraid to get her hands dirty and is often seen participating in physical activities such as sports or manual labor. She is also not afraid to speak her mind and is known for her sharp tongue, which she uses to defend herself and her friends. Overall, Kimi’s appearance and personality make her a memorable and unique character in the Fruits Basket anime.

4. Relationships

KimMotoko Minagawa, Minami Kinoshita, and Mio Yamagishi. Kimi is particularly close with Motoko, who she sees as a kindred spirit in their shared love for Yuki. The two often scheme together to try and get closer to Yuki, and Kimi is always quick to defend Motoko when she feels that others are being unfair to her.

Kimi also has a friendly relationship with Tohru Honda, who she initially sees as a potential rival for Yuki’s affections. However, after spending more time with Tohru, Kimi comes to appreciate her kind and generous nature. She even becomes one of the few members of the Prince Yuki Fan Club who doesn’t resent Tohru’s close relationship with Yuki.

Overall, Kimi is a very loyal friend who values her relationships deeply. She is always willing to go to bat for her friends and will defend them fiercely if she feels that they are being mistreated. Despite her sometimes scheming nature, she genuinely cares about the people in her life and wants to see them happy.

5. Role in the Story

Kimi Toudou is a minor character in the Fruits Basket anime series. She is a member of the Prince Yuki Fan Club and is often seen with her fellow club members, Motoko and Minami. Kimi is known for her loud and outgoing personality, often making inappropriate jokes and comments. Despite her brash exterior, Kimi genuinely cares for her friends and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Kimi’s role in the story is mainly to provide comedic relief and to highlight the absurdity of the Prince Yuki Fan Club’s obsession with Yuki. She often serves as a foil to the more reserved and timid Tohru Honda, who is initially overwhelmed by Kimi’s boldness. However, as the series progresses, Tohru learns to appreciate Kimi’s unique perspective and the two become close friends.

Although Kimi does not play a major role in the overall plot of Fruits Basket, her presence adds depth and complexity to the story. She represents the importance of individuality and the value of being true to oneself, even in the face of societal pressure. Kimi’s unwavering confidence and self-assuredness serve as a reminder that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and that these differences should be celebrated rather than criticized.

6. Trivia

  • Kimi’s name, Toudou, means “tower” in Japanese, which could be a reference to her tall and elegant appearance.
  • She is voiced by Ai Kakuma in the Japanese version of the anime and by Jad Saxton in the English dub.
  • Kimi is one of the few characters in Fruits Basket who doesn’t have any supernatural abilities or curse related to the zodiac animals.
  • Her favorite food is reportedly sushi, and she dislikes bitter melon.
  • Kimi’s fashion sense is often praised by other characters, and she is known for her stylish and sophisticated outfits.
  • Despite her confident and outgoing personality, Kimi has some insecurities and vulnerabilities that are explored in the series, particularly in her relationships with others.